Saturday 22 September 2018

ARTICLE: How plants decide when to germinate

Topham, A.T., Taylor, R.E., Yan, D., Nambara, E., Johnston, I.G. and Bassel, G.W. Temperature variability is integrated by a spatially embedded decision-making center to break dormancy in Arabidopsis seeds. PNAS 114 6629 (2017)

A plant's choice to germinate is one of the most important decisions in the world. If it is made too soon, the plant may be damaged by harsh winter conditions; if too late, the plant may be outcompeted, and crop yields may be lower. If crops in a field make the decision at different times, there is more room for weeds to grow and pests to take over. 

In a recent study, we combined mathematical modelling with several neat experiments to identify sets of cells that make this germination choice in a much-studied plant called thale cress (Arabidopsis thaliana), and have learned how it makes decisions based on the plant's environment.

Two views of the plant embryo from laser microscopy, highlighting cells where different components of the germination control machinery are expressed. The background shows the "attractor basins" in a mathematical description of the germination decision: horizontal and vertical axes give the levels of two hormones ABA and GA, the blue region corresponds to dormant seeds and the red region to germination. 

This germination circuitry functions through a circuit of chemical stimuli and responses. Using laser microscopy, we found that different parts of this circuit exist in different parts of the plant embryo -- and that the separation of these parts is central to how the brain functions. We used mathematical modelling to show that communication between separated elements of the germination circuitry controls the plant's sensitivity to its environment. Following this theory, we used a mutant plant where cells were more chemically linked -- essentially enhancing communication between circuit elements -- to show that germination depends on these intra-cellular signals.

The separation of circuit elements allows a wider palette of responses to stimuli. It's like the difference between reading one critic's review of a film four times over, or amalgamating four different critics' views before deciding to go to the cinema. Our mathematical theory predicted that more plants would germinate when exposed to varying environments -- like three short pulses of cold -- than constant environments -- like one long cold period. We tested this theory in the lab and found exactly this behaviour.

Next, the hope is to learn about the germination brain in other plants and crops, and to show how our new knowledge of the germination machinery can be used to enhance and synchronise germination in crops. You can read the paper for free in the journal PNAS here. Iain

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